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British Army RSME

Commercial Innovation

We worked with the Royal School of Military Engineering, part of the British Army, to deliver a transformation programme and a model to commercialisation that can be rolled out across other parts of the army to generate income and utilise some of the unique assets and capabilities of the British Army.


The work started with a commercial sprint review which identified over 70 income generation opportunities. Working with the Army and MOD we created a set of criteria to analyse the opportunities against, resulting in four chosen pilot projects. Alongside this work, a commercial strategy was also developed to provide future strategic direction for commercialisation.


The four projects were: 

  • Leadership development workshops focusing on developing resilience in leadership: 

  • Project Management qualifications

  • Conferencing

  • Elite sports development

We developed marketing strategies for these four projects before implementing the strategies for a 12 month period. During the implementation we worked with the army to develop their internal resource and capability so they were able to carry on with the commercial development in a sustainable manner in the future.


For all four of these projects we firstly developed a database of potential customers. This involved working with Companies House data and Experian. A database of 10,000 potential customers was developed that met certain sector and geographic criteria identified in the market strategy we developed.


A multi-channeled marketing campaign was then launched using both telemarketing and e-marketing with active campaign management to follow up any leads that were created. We also ran a series of open events to further engage the target market.


The outcomes of the work were:


  • A new leadership series of workshops run by RSME. This equated to 12 new workshops each delivered four times.

  • Two cohorts working towards project management qualifications

  • A series of workshops and conferences held in the RSME facilities by businesses in the area

  • 21 professional sports teams buying a residential sports development package to support their pre-season training

  • Additional income of around £2million for the army




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